For rescue groups

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‪If you volunteer for an animal rescue group that is a UK registered charity they should have the following documents available for you to inspect; charity governance, risk assessments, a health and safety policy and detailed policies and procedures relating to animal welfare and volunteering.‬ Even if the rescue group is not a registered charity it’s good practice for them to have the above documents in place. If you’re thinking , ‘Who on earth has time for all that paperwork?’… being aware of possible risks and ensuring volunteers are aware of good practice can save an animal’s life and prevent heartbreak for rescuers and volunteers alike.

‪Do you run a rescue group? What guidance do you provide to your volunteers? ‬Can you improve on this?

‪Almost every day a frightened, newly adopted dog is lost or killed on the roads within days of adoption. Other animals are subjected to outdated cruel training methods.
What can we, as rescuers and volunteers do to prevent this? ‬

‪Is your rescue group providing good advice to adopters? Are microchips being updated? Are home checks carried out by experienced home checkers who know how rescued dogs think? ‬

‪Are adopters given information about safe equipment such as non slip harnesses that causes no harm and are they referred to science based force free trainers when they need behavioural support? ‬Are adopters and volunteers given information about animal behaviour and canine body language?

‪If you’re a volunteer are you supported in your role? Is your rescue group open to discussion about their work? Is the rescue transparent and open to improving good practice? ‬


‪A list of non slip secure harnesses:‬

Have you just adopted a fearful rescued dog?

‪Risk assessments should cover potential harm to employees, volunteers, the animals in your care and the environment.‬

The National Council for Voluntary Organisations provide free guidance for charities and non profit organisations.


© Caring for Rescued ex Street Dogs

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